Week 2

Meet Gina! 

Gina has worked across the country helping thousands of people over the course of her career. She is known to be an expert in her field, and highly respected among the community. She is actively involved as an Ambassador for Unify Against Bullying, sits on the Board of Directors for a major Home Health Care organization, she's co-founder of the EMBEE Marketing and Business Summit, is a member of multiple Chamber of Commerce organizations, coaches youth sports and does Hospice Volunteering. Gaining the confidence to go after your dreams is what Gina will instill in you. Her infectious laughter and authentic personality makes you feel at ease from the moment you meet her. Be prepared to look at life differently after spending time in her presence!  

With over 15 years of experience in people development, leadership coaching and talent acquisition, Gina DiStefano is a powerhouse whose ultimate intention is to help others live great lives. She has worked with a diverse pool of clients ranging from stay-at-home moms to senior level executives. Gina’s other passion is public speaking where her true, authentic-self shines through to her audience. Gina began her career over 15 years ago in Washington, DC doing executive recruiting for finance and accounting professionals. She later worked for one of the largest restaurant corporations in the world for close to 10 years.Having owned her own company for almost 8 years, Gina specializes in creating great workplace environments, improving employee results and developing solid leaders. She believes there are no two separate buckets in life, we must give just as much energy to our personal lives as professional. The two go hand-in-hand. 

As a finished week 2, I met with a new member of our team! Our accountant!!!!!! This may not sound exciting to everyone, but it was super exciting to hear about the different things you need to finance and pay for as a CEO of you company! Once she left, we wrote a pitch to a potential client which would be an AMAZING opportunity for DiStefano group. Hopefully, everything goes great and we get it!
